Hosted RavenDB in Beta!
You've clamoured for it and now you have it: Hosted RavenDB is in beta as an add-on on AppHarbor. The add-on is built by the the crew at RavenHQ and the team includes Ayende Rahien who built RavenDB originally.
RavenDB is a fast and scalable document database built on .NET. It comes with powerful querying facilities for fetching data to be used by applications running on the .NET platform. The client library is easily fetched from NuGet using this command:
Install-Package RavenDB
The RavenDB website has a great guide on how to use RavenDB in ASP.NET MVC applications to get you started. We have put a sample MVC app that uses RavenHQ for storage. Note that the AppHarbor will insert your RavenDB connectionstring in the connectionStrings
element with the name "RavenDB". Please note that the DocumentStore configuration is slightly elaborate. This is due to a bug in the RavenDB client. A pull request has been submitted.
RavenHQ is hosted in the cloud on Amazon Web Services and runs out of the US-East datacenter -- the same one as your AppHarbor applications. This gives you ultra-low-latency RavenDB access from any application hosted on AppHarbor. Note that RavenHQ is currently available exclusively through the AppHarbor add-on catalog!
We're incredibly excited to have RavenHQ as an AppHarbor add-on, and we can't wait to see all the awesome apps you guys will build using AppHarbor, RavenDB and the other great add-ons in the add-on catalog.