Upgrade to NuGet 1.8 to speed up builds
NuGet 1.8 was released a few days ago. We have updated the AppHarbor build process to handle the new "Package Restore and Consent" setting and projects using NuGet 1.8 will work on AppHarbor out of the box. Our opinion of the consent requirement is accurately reflected by this comment.
On a more uplifting note, NuGet 1.8 also comes with a feature that can greatly speed up your AppHarbor builds if you're using NuGet package restore. This is because the new version downloads packages in parallel, making restoring packages up to 60% faster.
The safest way to upgrade a package-restore-enabled solution from a previous version of NuGet is to first remove the feature:
- Open *.csproj files and remove
and<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets" />
- Remove the .nuget folder from the solution and from the file system
Now make sure that you have updated to NuGet 1.8 and then re-enable package restore. After committing the changes to NuGet.exe
and NuGet.targets
and pushing to AppHarbor, your builds will be run using NuGet 1.8 and will be much faster as a result. (Switching out the nuget.exe file for the new one should also work, but we haven't tested this).
Happy NuGet'ing!