Get Friends and Colleagues Hooked on AppHarbor
We have found that you -- loyal AppHarbor users -- are the best evangelist we have. To reward users who convince friends and collegues to use AppHarbor, we're giving away .NET Reflector Pro licenses (courtesy of Red Gate Software) to the 20 people who generate the most signups in the next 10 days. The user who generates the most signups also receives $100 worth of AppHarbor credits, redeemable when we start charging. You'll get 1 point for each signup and an extra point for each new user that also pushes a commit that builds succesfully.
To know which new users were invited by whom, use this link for invites: (replace MyUsername
with your AppHarbor username).
The competition ends on 23:59 PST March 23 2011, so start sending out those links right away.