Web.config transform tester
Visual Studio 2010 lets you maintain multiple different Web.config configurations for debug, staging, release and so forth. The different versions are stored as XML transformations that are applied to the master Web.config file when a site is deployed. There's more information on MSDN.
AppHarbor has it's own way of managing multiple environments. We think it's simple and easy to use, and it's what we use for our own sites. ASP.NET Web.config transformations are arguably more powerful though, and are extensible, amongst other things. At AppHarbor, we strive for maximum compatibility with the ASP.NET stack, and we fully support web.config transformations.
The transformation syntax is a bit dense and figuring out why transformations are not working as expected can be a chore. To help people quickly debug problems and experiment with transformations, we have created a Web.config transformation tester. Go try it out, it's hosted right here on AppHarbor.